Maria is a young woman with a 6-month-old, very healthy baby. And Maria is expecting her second child, very early in her pregnancy – she just found out. Maria is sad, an old family friend just died, and she goes to the funeral home and puts her baby into a baby carriage. As she exits the funeral home from the viewing, an old friend of hers pulls in next to her car and the two chat in the parking lot for almost an hour catching up. Sadly, Maria does not know what just happened. Both her 6-month-old baby, as well as her unborn child are now challenged with mental disability problems throughout their lives as their neurological health has now been severely damaged. Why? Please click on the article below to find out!
While Mercury is very stable when in an Amalgam solution in a tooth filling in the mouth, it is extremely dangerous, brain damaging and can be lethal in the very smallest amounts in vapor form as happens during the cremation process being emitted from the human body burning oven.
The new crematorium furnace from "Matthews Environmental Solutions" runs at a higher temperature of 1800F in the second chamber.
It makes most exiting emission gases odorless and invisible.
At the high temperatures the NOx gases are reduced to save the ozone layer, but dangerous, health damaging emissions can be worse.
At 1800F temperature bodies burn fast, at about 150 lbs/hour.
When the body is pushed into the high temperature chamber the teeth will reach a temperature around 700F and due to the fast-burning rate and temperature Mercury vapor will form in an instant.
Many bodies have as much as 8 gram of Mercury in their teeth
at 700F Mercury vapor has a density of 0.0036g/cc
PPM (parts per million) is a unit of measurement used to describe the concentration of a substance in a mixture. In the context of air pollution or environmental contamination, PPM is used to express the concentration by mass.
8 gram of Mercury from Amalgam teeth fillings can result in thousands of PPM of Mercury vapor when exiting the cremation furnace stack during very fast heat-up and vaporization.
Mercury vapor is 6.9 times heavier than air.
For elemental mercury:1 ppm = 8.2 mg/m3
The recommended airborne exposure limit (REL) is 0.05 mg/m3
The crematorium is NOT SAFE, it will damage the health of people and can even become lethal. Cremation emissions can cause long term neurological health problems from sustained exposure for residents who live close to the crematorium.

Is Corry, PA 16407 a healthy place to live - NO!!! Terrible Mercury levels that are unsafe! On top of that the town may be further contaminated by a new crematorium spitting out Mercury from Amalgam teeth fillings. The new crematorium is not equipped with mercury abatement equipment and should not be located in downtown Corry! Mercury is not something that goes away, it is cumulative, as it settles, and wind brings it back up. The fine vapor deposits from high-temperature body burning is very dangerous, and has terrible health effects, especially neurological, and it accumulates over years.
It is irresponsible to locate a crematorium without sufficient pollution control equipment in an Environmental Justice Area like Corry that is already challenged by high mercury levels, higher cancer, poorer health and shorter life expectancy statistics.